Variable Data Printing

Variable Data Printing, Image Personalization and Direct Mail 

Presentech offers the easiest and most cost effective way to print and send compelling mail pieces to significantly increases response rates while decreasing mailing costs. 

About Variable Data Printing
With traditional printing, you print lots of the same piece and mail to a wide group of people. You hope that if you mail to enough people, you'll get a few actual orders.

With Variable Data Printing, we customize every mail piece unique to the recipient.  You can vary the text or even the images used on each card.  The result is truly personalized mail that really gets noticed first. It's an ideal solution for direct-mail pieces, promotional flyers, event promotions, or any other type of product where you want to speak "directly" to your customer, even if it's just making creative use of their first name.

Since response rates are generally much higher with variable data printing, you can mail smaller quantities and still achieve better results. With variable data printing, it’s quality, not quantity that matters.

Why Choose Presentech for Your Variable Data Printing?
For most printers, the term "variable data" only refers to addressing your mail or perhaps adding a name in large type to the front of a card. We're variable data experts and produce more variable mail pieces than most every printer in Atlanta. We can help you create a mail piece that takes advantage of all that variable data can offer.

There really are no limits to what we can help 
you achieve. In fact, we have produced cards where up to dozen images and text blocks varied from card to card. Lots of printers can do the easy stuff, but why settle for mediocre when our variable programming skills come standard.  

Plus, our experience has allowed us to really understand what works and what should be avoided in the world of variable data printing. We'd be honored to share our experience with you as we plan your direct mail campaign.  

Ready to learn more?
We'll email you a custom quote for your project or tell you more about our better way to print.